Subject: Re: Problem with writing bootblock
To: Holger B. Austinat <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/22/1995 22:17:42
> Last night we installed the miniroot on a MicroVaxII on an RD54 drive in 
> the swap partition (ra0b).  We then wanted to create the bootblock on the 
> first partition (ra0a), but got the following error:
>   #disklabel -B ra0a
>   disklabel: /usr/mdec/aboot: No such file or directory
Yes, I know. The file raboot wasn't in the miniroot distribution. :-/
But you can either get it from some ftp server in arch/vax/misc
subdir or create it out of the bootable tape (If you used TK50
for installation). In that case, first remount your miniroot writable,
then use dd to get it from tape:

# mount -u /dev/ra0b /
# cd /usr/mdec
# dd if=/dev/rmt8 of=raboot bs=512 count=16

Then you have your bootblocks.

-- Ragge