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On 11/19/2011 18:10, matthew green wrote:
On 11/19/2011 13:45, AGC wrote:
On a generic system, where do I find the LVM module? modstat shows
nothing loaded and modload dm says "module object must end in .o". I
want to try and merge two disks together so I can do the system update.

Related to this, I can't seem to delete the disklabels from the two disks:

8 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
  c:   4154160         0        ccd                     # (Cyl.      0 -   2732)
  f:   2310400         0     4.2BSD   1024  8192    16  # (Cyl.      0 -   1519)
  h:   1843760   2310400     4.2BSD   1024  8192    16  # (Cyl.   1520 -   2732)
disklabel: partitions c and f overlap
disklabel: partitions c and h overlap

8 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
  a:   4194828         0     4.2BSD   1024  8192    16  # (Cyl.      0 -   
  c:   4194995         0    unknown                     # (Cyl.      0 -   
disklabel: partition a: partition extends past end of unit
disklabel: partitions a and c overlap
disklabel: partition c: partition extends past end of unit

I've tried disklabel -D:

# disklabel -D -v sd1
disklabel: Invalid signature in mbr record 0
# disklabel -D -v sd2
disklabel: Invalid signature in mbr record 0

huh.  i never heard of disklabel -D.  it probably should be marked
as not being relevant on sparc in the manual, or disabled, since
it "implies -r" and netbsd/sparc doesn't really support that one
either (at least not if you want to talk to the prom.)

I've tried the suggested dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd1c bs=8k count=1
with no success.

try "disklabel -W sd1" and sd2, and then the above dd.  i am
guessing that the label protection is set.

There's nothing on the two disks that I need so I'm just trying to wipe
them and start over so I can merge them into a single volume.  They're
not huge (only 2.1 GB each) but I figure 4.2 GB should be enough to
store CVS and build the new userland?  The kernel sources are located on
another disk right now and it seems to fit fine there.

FWIW, i recommend raidframe over LVM currently.  the latter is very
new and you'd be the first to try on sparc i guess.


has a lot of info, though maybe


is a little simpler.  note that the instructions for eg, "fdisk"
should almost always be ignored on sparc, and the "installboot"
instructions may not be entirely correct... but i suspect you
don't care since you'd booting from sd0?  you should also ignore
the "raidctl -A root" instructions if so, but "-A yes" is good.

I set up ccd on the two disks because I happened to find that first. Would you still suggest raidframe over ccd? Neither of these disks are going to be boot (I'm booting sd0 and these are sd1 and sd2).

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