Subject: Re: NMI: system interrupts: 40000000
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/02/2006 16:32:51
>> I've got a SS4 - my desktop machine at work - and it's been giving
>> me

>> NMI: system interrupts: 40000000<VME=0,SBUS=0,ME>

>> occasionally (maybe ten times in the last six months).

> Wasn't that the MicroSPARC's way to complain about RAM parity errors?

Was it?  I don't know.  The M bit is not set (SINTR_M); that seems to
be the memory error indicator, based on the code - or is that only for
machines with real ECC, not just parity?

The only bit set, SINTR_ME, is commented as "Module Error (async)" in
intreg.h.  I'm not sure what to make of that, probably because I don't
really grok MBus.

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