Subject: Re: Bad pAUX_base
To: Michael <>
From: Rick Kelly <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/21/2005 13:01:23
Michael said:

>Yes, I remember this. I got around it by putting SH=/usr/bin/ksh into mk.conf - almost forgot about it.
>Seems to be a strange oddity in sh - some packages would barf with ksh but curiously these would compile with sh. In -current sh seems to work fine, but I didn't compile /that/ many packages yet.

I deleted /usr/src and did a cvs checkout the other day. I have /usr/src
mounted from an i386 box running -current. I rebuilt sh and found it to be
13 bytes smaller than the original.

I continue to see every time I build:

Possible core dumps:

Always in obj/tools/groff. Not always the same subdirectory.
Rick Kelly
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