Subject: Re: SPARCclassic "AUI" pinout
To: Port-SPARC <>
From: Thilo Manske <Thilo.Manske@HEH.Uni-Oldenburg.DE>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/04/2001 22:28:07
On Tue, Sep 04 2001 at 12:40:34 -0700, Don Yuniskis wrote:
> >The Classic does have a 26 pin Mini-DSub connector that look similar to the
> >usual SCSI-2 connectors. (On the LX-Type machines this connector is also
> >used to connect the external speakerbox to the SPARCstation).
> Are the audio signals *only* present on this connector for the LX?
> I.e. the Classic has a pair of mini-phone-plug connectors for the audio
> so are these signals omitted from the "AUI" connector?
Yes, but the audio system of the LX is completely different and has
additional capabilities.  The speakerbox works digital btw. and is the same
as the one for the SS10 (which doesn't have an internal codec as the LX).

> EXCELLENT!  (though I usually have problems accessing the sun site... :<)
OK, heres the ASCII representation of the pinout-table:

  Pin      Description                  Pin       Description
  1        AUI_DO_L                     14        AUI_DO
  2        AUI_DI                       15        AUI_DI_L
  3        AUI_CI_L                     16        AUI_CI
  4        ENET_PWR                     17        GND
  5        EMCTL                        18        RESET_SENSE_L
  6        CHIDX                        19        CHIDR
  7        CHI_CLK                      20        CHIDFS
  8        CODFS                        21        CODCK
  9        N/C                          22        N/C
  10       Vcc                          23        GND
  11       Vcc                          24        GND
  12       Codec_PWR_DN_L               25        MIDI_OUT
  13       MIDI_IN                      26        MIDI_IN_L

Pin 1 is the upper right, pin 14 the lower right and so on...

Dies ist Thilos Unix Signature! Viel Spass damit.