Subject: My SLC don't want to boot...
To: None <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Frederick Quointeau <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/30/1998 11:06:15

Very strange...

I have NetBSD 1.2.1boot disk on a IPX, and it works fine.

When I put the same boot disk on my SLC, it starts, it finds some 
controllers. But after it found the bwtwo controller, the message
"press b (boot), c(continue), n(new command mode)"
appears and again and again. I can't stop it with "STOP A". So i must 
switch off the sun.

If anyone have any idea...

Thanks !

Excuse me for my poor english...
Frederick Quointeau
WSC WebSystem Communication Paris (