Subject: Re: Re: netboot hangs
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/14/2000 20:19:00
2000-10-12 10:15:00 Michael L. Hitch wrote:
>  Could you please try using the kernel at:
I can't thank you more! 1.5_ALPHA2 finally booted!

But there was a big problem which I had met during 1.4.2 's installation --

    `sysinst' can only recognize my 1317MB HD as 104MB

So every time the installation stopped giving 'file system full'

Best regards
     |     Sonnie  Hook      |  |
     |  the State Key Lab. of Fire Sci. (SKLFS) |
     | the Uni. of Sci. & Tech. of China (USTC) |