Subject: Re: 5000/1xx Hardware Maintenance Guide
To: None <>
From: Bernhard H. Buckel <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/21/1999 11:41:49

>>>>> "Jonathan" == Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU> writes:

    >> Uhmm - forgive a non-native speaker for being stupid. IIRG I
    >> had to apply some patches to Ultrix and rebuild the
    >> kernel. Could I accomplish this under NetBSD, too and get
    >> audio? Something a stupid born like me could do?

    Jonathan> Yes, but right now they dont work with anything except

Hey, that's better than nothing! A startup jingle would be pretty
nifty - the poor quality won't allow for much more, though.

    Jonathan> the same dead application library (AF) that the original
    Jonathan> Ultrix patches used.  i.e., None of the standard NetBSD
    Jonathan> sound apps or packages will work.

Ok, it isn't a high end solution :)


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