Subject: Re: printer ports on DECstation 5000/133
To: Nik Ingle <ingle@fastloki.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/27/1999 11:06:47
Nik Ingle wrote:

> I would like to set up an HP color deskjet printer, which I have
> been using on my PC/Linux box, as a local printer on a DECstation
> 5000/133.
> However, none of the connectors on the back of the box are labeled with
> any markings I understand.

Across the back of a 5000/1xx are, from left to right, are:

	Base system SCSI connector
	Base system ThickWire Ethernet connector
	Diagnosic indicator lights
	Halt button
	Communications connector 3
	Communications connector 2
	Keyboard-mouse connector
	System unit power connector

These are DEC's words, not mine :-)  The "Communications connector"s are
serial ports.

> Is there a parallel port like on a pc, or will I need to get a special
> cable?

DECstations don't have parallel ports - you'll need to use a serial port
(from one of the DB25 connectors).

I believe there's a crowd in the US that makes TurboChannel serial and
parallel cards, but I'd suspect that they'd be expensive, and NetBSD
doesn't support them...
