Subject: Re: generic todr and timecounter support for next68k
To: Garrett D'Amore <>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: port-next68k
Date: 09/09/2006 11:39:18
>timecounters & todr patch.
>The following patch addresses support for NeXT 68k platforms for
>timecounters and generic time-of-day support.  I've only compile tested
>at this point, but it should work.

This isn't exactly a next68k issue ... but I've been looking at
examples of timecounter support and generic tod support (because
the evbarm ts7200 kernel compile broke because of the generic tod
changes, and I figure I'd look at timecounter support when I was
in there).  The generic tod changes look simple enough.  But ... I
was under the impression for timecounters, you need to call tc_init
to initialize the clock source at some point, and I don't see this
in this patch.  Am I wrong?  Is there a guide to timecountering a
port?  Just a few paragraphs would be fine :-)
