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Re: Little thought of today

> Il giorno 30 mar 2024, alle ore 04:03, Andy Ruhl <acruhl%gmail.com@localhost> ha scritto:
> On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 2:26 PM Umberto Cerrato <u.cerrato%icloud.com@localhost> wrote:
>> I think we macppc users have a big pro among other NetBSD users out there (i386, amd64 users in example). We have a one big family of machines very similar or identical among them. I am specifically talking about the G4 macs which probably are the most common machines. Maybe the "best" PowerPC Macs to run things on.
>> Having a single big family means easier support, and a chance more if i.e. something work fine on a G4 iBook should/could run fine on a G4 mac mini too.
>> We are somehow a bigger family compared to i.e. the many different x86 thinkpad and other manufacturers machines.
>> I came out with this thought after trying NetBSD on a Xeon computer and a Pentium 4 and another more recent Intel machine and surprisingly the experience has been the same and/or worse than the one with my beloved mac mini.
>> But the difference is that with mac mini everything is easier. Since it is a so "well known" system, there is a solution.
>> While a random Xeon/Intel system may have a problem only few people may have experienced already.
>> So actually, since we are a well defined group, I think it is easier or there is more chance to have a working macppc _out of the box_ than a _random_ x86/amd64 machine.
>> In fact I noticed x86 netbsd people somehow had to make a sort of decision about which of the many x86/amd64 systems to choose as "family"/reference machine. Like the x2-- series thinkpads or t5--.
>> Happy Easter
> Happy Easter to you as well.
> I never tried macppc. Do you have a particular favorite machine? I
> haven't had one in a very long time. The mini seems nice.

Well... I changed my mind many times... i.e. I wanted a Quad G5 so much. 

I think all the G4 Macs are very cool and work best among powerpc Macs.

The towers (the early ones) are great. I like them because they are great G4 systems, are lighter than the MDDs ones and quieter too.

Among the towers, I recently tried a Quicksilver and it is good too. A good compromise between noise, weight and raw power (GHz).

Speaking about this, I haven't tried NetBSD on a early G4. (i.e. 400MHz ppc). I am speaking about my experience with Mac OS X so far. So I can't tell really.

Finally: the latest G4 family of macs...
iBooks, PowerBooks and mac minis.

If you are new to macppc and NetBSD they represent a good candidate since are newer machines, easier to find in working condition etcetera.

Generally these machines are the lightest, quietest, the most portable and newest G4 ppc systems you should find.

They should be faster too compared to other older machines.

There is no special consideration here to make, but as with x86/amd64 usually I think tower pcs and mini pcs are easier to work with (compated to laptops) since they require minor attention (battery, energy savings stuff).

So, in the end, though I really would like to consider a early G4 tower Mac, I can only recommend a late G4 mac mini because I haven't run NetBSD on the former yet.
mini is powerful and very silent. And probably as reliable and robust as the older towers. 


> Andy

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