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Re: disklabel (was: install files on mac UFS partition) mac mini G4)

>> The only reason I mentioned UFS is because I found some blogs that used that scenario; ...
>> but as "owfboot" does load and start, my impressium is that are already passed that hurdle.
>> The question now is "why doesn't ofwboot not find the netbsd kernel?" (that is present on the root-partition of the disk!)
>> Perhaps installing to many different OSses on the box has somewhere corrupted something, which makes ofwboot fail somewhere.
>> (That's why I try to understand how the boot-process of netbsd on a mac-mini really works)

I would suggest you to read the INSTALL file.

Unfortunately I do not feel like I am expert enough to suggest you a path to solve the problems you are facing.

>>> -u
>> Kristoff


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