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Re: Keeping up to date with -current with a cross-compiler

On Dec 12, 2011, at 11:51 PM, Michael wrote:

> Hello,
> On Mon, 12 Dec 2011 23:46:09 +0000 (UTC)
> John Klos <john%ziaspace.com@localhost> wrote:
>>> I definitely did this successfully a few months ago, but the knowledge 
>>> seems to have leaked out of my brain since then.  I'm crosscompiling 
>>> -current on OS X (because I can actually do the CVS update and build the 
>>> entire distribution in less time than the 9500 takes to do the CVS 
>>> update).
>> Damn... that's either a fast OS X machine or a slow 9500...
> Indeed, IO shouldn't be /that/ slow even on a single 604 with an ancient disk.
> That said, SATA cards and disks are cheap these days, all you need a SCSI 
> disk for is to load the kernel ( and maybe hole a smallish rescue system )

It really is absurd.  Things get painfully slow.  Bonnie++ indicates some truly 
low numbers, though it'll have to wait until I'm done this update to look 
again.  I've been meaning to look into it, but my spare time isn't quite as 
available now that there's a baby in the picture. :-)

Anyone have experience with the Sonnet TSATA card?  It's supposed to be OF 
bootable, but it's unclear from what I've read whether that's true for OldWorld 
machines.  It would make a nice upgrade.  I'm still interested in fixing 
whatever is actually wrong with MESH, but it'll have to wait until my thesis 
work is done at least.

- Dave

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