Subject: Re: One more slightly off-topic comment...
To: Michael <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/06/2005 22:10:22
thus Michael spake:
> Hello,
>>>Same here, but I guess they're still too fast to be affordable
>>>enough for NetBSD developers. Let's see when they show up on ebay
>>>for reasonable prices.
>>hm, here at they are priced (buy it now) from 200 EUR upwards
>>-- i'll donate a machine as i have some money left ASAP.
> Hmm, for a POWER3 that's a good price. Any idea about architectural
> details? Firmware? I think some RS/6000 ran some sort of OF, but most
> didn't. Would this be a server or more of a workstation?
> Looks like I didn't pay attention on ebay for a while.

would be nice to have a list on models with their specialties...

most of them (at ebay) are workstations, intended for CATIA etc.

