Subject: Re: One more slightly off-topic comment...
To: Michael <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/06/2005 21:39:51
thus Michael spake:
> Hello,
>>what on RS/6000 anyway? 
> Good question. there's not much activity on port-prep and my PowerStack
> II isn't going to be available for NetBSD hacking any time soon.
and my PowerStack I which is 'free' doesn't run port-prep :/

>>there are nice Power3 machines out there, i'd love to have such one as
>>my PowerPC workstation 
> Same here, but I guess they're still too fast to be affordable enough
> for NetBSD developers. Let's see when they show up on ebay for
> reasonable prices.

hm, here at they are priced (buy it now) from 200 EUR upwards --
i'll donate a machine as i have some money left ASAP.

>>(standing side-by-side with my PowerPC based /real/ Mac from a firm
>>called - uhm - Apple?)...
> Hmm, my PowerStack stands side-by-side with a /real/ Mac made by a firm
> called UMAX ;)

michael, this is my concession for today: yes :)

> have fun
> Michael

