Subject: Re: wi broken on macppc
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/31/2004 16:52:55
>>>>> "tk" == Thomas Klausner <> writes:

    tk> I don't see that.  I have the problem that after I configure
    tk> the nwid with ifconfig, I have to manually set the media-type
    tk> to something other than the default. Then I can usually use it
    tk> without problems.

I think we have the same problem.  Until now I never tried setting
media type, just mediaopts like hostap or adhoc.

If I set media type to ds11 or something, _after_ bringing up the
interface, it works around the problem for me, too.  But this isn't
necessary on i386.

Thanks for the tip!

Le fascisme est la dictature ouverte de la bourgeoisie.
		-- Georg Dimitrov