Subject: Re: firmware 2.0.3
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/08/2004 13:43:36
At 7:00 PM +0000 3/8/04, Patrick Welche wrote:
>If I just switch this old Power Macintosh 5500/225 on, I get the "where's
>a bootable MacOS disk" query screen.
>If I press alt-apple-o-f this screen doesn't appear, and all is dark.
>I conclude that I am in openfirmware ?
>At this point, if I type "bye" I would expect to get back to the query
>screen, but nothing happens. "reset-all" doesn't help either.
>Does this mean that ttya or somesuch suddenly becomes the input-device?
>I thought the default was always kbd for input. (and something strange
>for output).

Bingo.  tty for in and out.  (At least for OF 1.0.5, but I think 2 
works similarly.)

>What am I missing? (other than a serial cable ;-) )

That it, mainly.  I think the baud rate is 38400, but that's in the 
FAQ or the install notes.
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