Subject: Re: even worse (o;
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/25/2003 11:12:07
> 1.6.1 isn't current (AFAIK).

I know 1.6.1 isn't current (o;
Was trying to boot 1.6.1 kernel after 1.6ZD didn't
install IRQ for the Realtek card...

Seems 1.6.1 kernel isn't compatible to 1.6ZD init?

> I'd be curious to see if you could boot a current kernel (since I
> sure haven't been able to in ages).
> To add insult to injury FreeBSD/ppc has working virtual console
> support (via syscons)... and that loader just doesn't like my
> machine.  Waaah. :)

Maybe g3 tower is the same pain in the a** as linux on sunblade100? (o;


(reinstalling 1.6.1)