Subject: Re: Do any of the following models boot NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: David Friggens <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/08/2003 12:36:20
On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 05:24, Michael Wolfson wrote:
> At 3:33 PM +1200 6/1/03, David Friggens wrote:
> :)> iBook (14.1 LCD 32 VRAM)
> :)
> :)I've got one of these and installed -current (1.6Q or 1.6R, I
> : think).
> Great.  Would you mind trying a 1.6 or 1.6.1 kernel just to see if
> it works?  Obviously, it'll have problems with your UFS root, but at
> least we'll have an idea if support is in the 1.6 branch.

Sorry for the delay. I've just downloaded the 1.6.1 install kernel and=20
it booted fine. Presumably that means that it should install and run=20

> Yeah, it'd be nice if we squashed all those bugs and could enable
> OFB_ENABLE_CACHE by default.

Yup. Porting the Linux driver for the software modem wouldn't hurt=20
either. :-) Unfortunately that's way out of my field expertise,=20
otherwise I'd try and look at it.
