Subject: mozilla problem with xfree
To: None <>
From: Julien Rampon <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/21/2003 21:15:17
Hi all,

I encounter a problem using mozilla under Xfree 4.3.0, it doesn't work.
Start to load some lib and stop on  open("/usr/X11R6/lib/" (when I do a ktruss).

When I was on Xmacppc, mozilla worked perfectly (but very ugly with 16 colours).

I've tried other navigator, but they're all based on mozilla.

galeon -> segmentation fault

phoenix -> stop after loading /usr/X11R6/lib/phoenix/ and displaying a window during 1ms

Has anybody already encountered those errors ?

For the moment, I use links -g.

thanks for answers :)

PS: be indulgent for my english