Subject: installation on mac ppc 7600/132
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/12/2003 14:17:13

I don't know very much about UNIX (Microsoft steals intelligence) and even
less about Apple systems.
When I tried to install NetBSD on a 7600/132, running MaOs 8.0,  I got
following problems:

1.: "Boot into firmware" -> is that like the BIOS on IBM compatible and how
do I access it?
2.: machine does not boot from CD, even if I choose CD as volume for next
3.: copy ofwboot.xcf and netbsd.INSTALL.gz to floppy does not function
(NetBSD 1.6 from Wasabi  
     Systems) because 3k discspace more are needed  (???). When I try to
compress ofwboot.xcf by  
     cutting blanc lines the ppc reads this floppy at next boot and spits it
out automatically, switching to 
     normal boot session.

System profiler's info: 
System:8.0 German
CPU:ppc 604 at 132 MHz
active finder (don't ask me what that is): none
open doc: 1.2.1
startvolume is SCSI  ID 3, showing the NetBSD CD
I don't speak english well enough to understand everything mentioned in the
help files on your page, so please try to tell me in easy words, that I might
be able to install a toaster, but not a PC  ;-) .

Greetings, Matthias  Zolker


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