Subject: boot delay / recovery from power failure.
To: None <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/21/2002 15:47:00
I'm hoping someone can help me out with some issues I've got booting
my Power Computing mac clone (Power Tower Pro 200).  They're not,
strictly speaking, NetBSD issues, but I am running NetBSD on the box.  :)

First, the machine won't auto-boot from power on, because the drive
hasn't fully spun up yet.  If I wait a few seconds and type "boot" at the
OF prompt, it boots nicely.  Is there some OF trickery I can perform
to get this machine to delay booting until the drive is spun up?

The other issue is, I'd like to have the machine boot after a power
failure without someone having to hit the power button;  does anyone
have any suggestions how to accomplish this?

I'm looking at making this box into a router (let's hear it for zebra!) to
replace the aging Pentium 100 I've got doing the job now, but unless I can
overcome these booting issues, I'm SOL on that front.  

Thanks in advance,

Jeff Rizzo