Subject: htdig 3.1.6
To: NetBSD \(MacPPC\) <>
From: Ryan La Riviere <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/12/2002 09:31:01
Hey all,

I had recently installed htdig 3.1.5 and then the next day my system
includes in the daily security report that 3.1.5 has some security
vulnerabilities.   I looked and there is 3.1.6 (on the htdig site, not on
pkgsrc) that fixes these problems.  I downloaded and tried to compile the
source but it comes up with errors.

c++ -c  -DDEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE=\"/opt/www/htdig/conf/htdig.conf\" -I../htlib
-I../htcommon  -I../db/dist -I../include -g -O2
In file included from
DB2_db.h:49: syntax error before `*'
DB2_db.h:51: syntax error before `*'
DB2_db.h:52: syntax error before `;'
DB2_db.h:58: syntax error before `*'
*** Error code 1

Does anyone know how to get this to compile?  I figure it's probably some
little thing that needs to be changed but this is not exactly my area of


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Ryan "My hometown is nowhere, my friends are everywhere." La Riviere

System Administrator; Drexel University