Subject: Re: How does one install NetBSD on a mac cube?
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Dave Low <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/26/2001 11:58:13
I got a lot further today.  I copied ofwboot.elf,  boot.fs, netbsd.ram.gz,
netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz, ofwboot.xcf to the root of Macintosh HD.
Then I used SystemDisk2.3.1.smi to determine that Macintosh HD is hd:9 and
then in OF
0 > boot hd:9,ofwboot.elf hd:9,boot.fs <return>

The boot loader ran and I got to where it asks for the terminal and gives a
choice of vt100

At that point the whole operation gets stuck and friezes up.

Any ideas at this point????

Dave Low

on 3/4/01 2:37 PM, Henry B. Hotz at wrote:

> At 5:03 PM -1000 3/3/01, Dave Low wrote:
>> My Actual experience with trying the above and something Todd wrote:
>> 0> boot cd:,ofwboot.xcf <return>  (then) /load-size=d4c4 adler32=1956c83a
>> loading XCOFF
>> tsize=bf00 dsize=14e4 bsize=1608 entry=600000
>> .text  00600000 00600000 0000bf00 000000e0
>> .data  0060c000 0060c000 000014e4 0000bfe0
>> .bss   0060d4e8 0060d4e8 00001608 00000000
>> loading .text, done..
>> loading .data, done..
>>>> NetBSD/macppc OpenFirmware Boot, Revision 1.2
>>>> (mat@duel.local, Thu Nov 16 17:26:57 PST 2000)
>> open: no such file or directory
>> open /pci@f2000000/mac-io17/ata-4@1f000/disk@1:0/netbsd: no such file or
>> directory
>> Boot:
> Try non-zero partition numbers.  Hmmm. No ofwboot won't allow that will it?
> Actually what happens if you just try booting the kernel directly?
> That isn't reliable, but it might work.  In that case you would
> probably need to figure out what the real partition number is.  It'll
> be something like 4 or greater.
> Signature held pending an ISO 9000 compliant
> signature design and approval process.
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