Subject: Re: pilot-xfer uses what /dev/usb???
To: Rene Salmon <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/09/2001 16:25:04
[Just a suggestion:  when starting a new thread like this, post a *new*
 message, rather than replying... it makes it easier to follow for those
 of us with threaded mailreaders ]

I haven't used my handspring on a Mac yet, but let's see if I can help:

On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 04:08:11PM -0600, Rene Salmon wrote:
> Hello,
> 	Just wanted to check if I can get pilot-xfer to work on my mac.  I
> have pilot-link and all its tools like pilot-xfer intalled.  I intalled them
> all using pkg_src.  when I boot I see this line in the dmesg.
> ugen0: Palm Computing, Inc. USB Serial Adaptor, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 2

This looks good.

> but if I do ls /dev/u*
> zulu 15% ls /dev/u*
> /dev/uhid0   /dev/uhid2   /dev/uk0     /dev/ulpt0   /dev/urandom /dev/usb0
> /dev/uhid1   /dev/uhid3   /dev/uk1     /dev/ulpt1   /dev/usb     /dev/usb1
> there is no ugen0.
> Here is my dmsg any ideas as to what the device name for my usb palm might
> be?

When you hit the "sync" button, you should see a "uvisor0" device show
up;  this actually creates a tty device, /dev/ttyU0 in most cases.  (at
least, when I've used it on port-i386).  When you hit the button, the
device is attached.  When the sync is over, the device detaches.  Thus,
you have to run pilot-link after you hit the button...

Hope this helps.
