Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To: None <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/31/2001 10:51:04
>At 4:55 PM -0800 1/27/01, James Tuman Nelson wrote:
>>"awacs at obio0 offset 0x14000 not configured"

I think this is sound.

>>"swim3 at obio0 offset 0x15000 not configured"

I'm pretty sure this is the floppy controller.

>>"adb0 at obio0 offset 0x16000 irq 18: 2 targets"
>>"aed0 at adb0 addr 0: ADB Event device"
>>"akbd0 at adb0 addr 2: extended keyboard"
>>"wskbd0 at akbd0"

This is normal and good.  You can type on the keyboard even if you 
can't see what's happening.

>>"ofb0 at pci1 dev 11 function 0: Apple Computer Control"
>>"ofb0: 640 x 480, 8bpp
>>"wsdisplay0 at ofb0"
>>"Apple Computer PlanB (undefined subclass 0x00, revision 0x01) at pci1
>>dev 13 function 0 not configured"

This means that NetBSD thinks your display is what it should be. 
Whatever is haywire isn't visible to it.

>>Then I get the login prompt, followed by this message:
>>"Jan 27 08:05:33 macppc getty[188]: /dev/ttyE0: Device not configured"
>>I can log in and do stuff on NetBSD to my heart's content using ttya for
>>input and output.
>>I gather that ttyE0 is not configured because output is directed to
>>ttya, inherited from OF.


>>If I "setenv output-device ttya" and "setenv input-device kbd" in OF, I
>>get output info sent to ttya, and I can input info from the keyboard
>>through kbd.  During boot of netbsd, I get boot info output to ttya,
>>displaying information to "zstty0 at zsc0 channel 0 (console)" and
>>"zstty1 at zsc0 channel 1".  Thereafter, I get nothing on the zterm
>>terminal through ttya, neither can I input commands through kbd, or
>>ttya.  I have to hardware reboot.

Seems like it should work, but I can believe that things got confused 
mixing serial output with keyboard input and it probably doesn't mean 

At 12:34 AM -0800 1/31/01, James Tuman Nelson wrote:
> > At 11:28 PM -0800 1/26/01, James Tuman Nelson wrote:
>I disconnected the ADB cable from the monitor to the 7500, and connected
>the kbd directly to the ADB port on teh 7500.  The mouse is connected
>into the kbd, daisy chained.  Under OF, manual display of the monitor
>indicates horizontal scan rate fo 35000 and vertical of 67 Hz.  No
>resolution indication.  No luck either.

I think the horizontal is exact, and the vertical is actually some 
funny number between 66 and 67.  This is what it should be, just as 
the pixel count reported during NetBSD boot is what it should be. :-/

In other words everything appears to be working just fine, thank you. 
That points the finger at the 1710 --- a notoriously unreliable 
monitor.  Is there any way you can connect another Mac or 
Mac-compatible monitor to the system to verify this?

Also have you tried playing with the offset and size settings on the 
monitor?  Maybe there's a reset that goes to some funny defaults?

>Do you actually have NetBSD-1.5 boot up on the 7500 with a 1710 monitor?
> If so, what are your nvram settings?  Has anyone out their installed
>1.5 on a 7500 with a 1710 display yet?

No, my 1710 blew it's power supply about 2 years ago.  I'm actually 
using an old Mac II monitor with the 7500.  It's in a server room in 
another building.  I'm even running X though I have to rm its core 
file every two weeks or so.

> > I think I said this already, but try to debug this problem in OF
> > directly.  I think NetBSD has nothing to do with it, and just
> > inherits a messed up configuration.
>I agree, but no luck.  I have not yet tried to edit the nvram, though I
>played with it a bit.  I have to do some reading.

Well if you don't know emacs it's strange.  It's strange anyway. 
Probably the easiest way to get what you want is to edit the 
appropriate resource in SystemDisk using ResEdit.  There should be a 
link off the FAQ under booting to a description of how to find the 
right resource to change.

I'd send you my version of nvramrc but it's on the Mac partition of a 
NetBSD machine in another building.  I have the video settling patch, 
the wBoot patch, and one or two others, but I deleted most of the 
stuff that was there because the machine wouldn't boot properly into 
NetBSD with the stock patches from SystemDisk.

>By the way, I have been accessing NetBSD macppc on the 7500 through
>telnet from an i386, using both NetBSD and Windows telnet.  Works
>great!!! Compiled a large fortran code, ran overnight, no problems.  Can
>switch su root, etc., and administer the system.  NFS works, as
>advertised.  Have not tried everything, though.  It is a pleasure.

Glad to hear that the stuff besides the display works.  That makes it 
easier to keep working on this display problem I'm sure.

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