Subject: -current USB woes, reboot failures
To: None <>
From: Hans-Christian Becker <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/09/2001 15:50:16
Today's kernel (1.5Q) boots and runs fine, except that my USB 
keyboard is hosed (I don't know about the mouse). The keyboard is 
attached, and if I unplug and replug it, it shows up fine, but I 
can't type on it. Furthermore, when I reboot the machine, it dies 
with a "Trap type 300" in reboot. The disk appears to have been 
successfully unmounted, though. Libraries and userland are from 1.5H.
Should I send-pr the stuff above?
Dr. Hans-Christian Becker (
Department of Physical Chemistry
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden