Subject: For the record...
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/28/2000 02:32:30
base.tgz contains /etc/postfix

tar (on the boot floppy) will overwrite existing directories with
blank ones.

I have no postfix config. I used to.

I probably should have used pax, but I wasn't thinking. (Upgrade from
sysinst refused to do its thing because it didn't believe /dev/sd1g -
which I mount at /usr - was a legitimate NetBSD disk. Go figure. I
thought I was clever when I started untarring the files by hand. I was
obviously just stupid.)

Also, kernel 1.4T has extreme difficulties with my mesh (not clear on
exactly why right now), and I can't find a syssrc that's the same age
as the 20000205 kernel, so getting a booting kernel is a real problem.
The GENERIC included kernel works, but networking is *extremely*
flaky, which I blame on inet6 combined with mc0. (It comes up,
eventually, very slowly, but dnslookups either aren't working at all
or just time out, so ssh'ing or scp'ing into the machine is *very*

I'm floundering about where to turn now to get things booting...

Maybe 1.4.2_ALPHA?

If so, where do I get a sys.tar.gz that will compile a working kernel?
Why don't snapshots contain kernel source? ::sigh::

(Yes. I should have backed up when I had a chance. I know.)

Oh, and if you're going to reply, please include this address, as I
can't see list mail till I get the machine back up.

       ~ a g r