Subject: Re: ofwboot.elf made X11 on my iMac drop to 640x480!
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/04/2000 12:39:48
On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Todd Whitesel wrote:

> Anyway, ever since I first ran ofwboot.elf, netbsd uses the same display
> resolution as the glonk-OF openfirmware console does, and when I go into
> X11 this apparently means 640x480.
> Previously the kernel used a higher resolution and also used a much larger
> console font (I fondly call this font "the sun console font" because for
> all I know, the sun firmware people invented it).

At least on my Blue G3, that means that the PRAM doesn't have settings
for a saved video mode. Whatever event seperated now from "Previously"
messed up the PRAM settings.

My solution was to go in and set the monitor in MacOS.

Note: NetBSD has always used the OF video setting as we don't have
chip-specific drivers at the moment. So if the video mode changed, the OF
video mode changed. :-(

Take care,
