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Re: Stability of netbsd-10 on real hardware?

On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 11:23:10PM +0000, John Klos wrote:
> > I've managed to get netbsd-10 installed running under qemu-system-m68k,
> > which emulates a Apple Macintosh Quadra 800. Building a few random things
> > and running some random stuff, I've tripped over a bunch of little stability
> > issues, and I'm wondering if these are as a result of the emulation, netbsd,
> > or perhaps compilers. MacOS 8.1 seems stable, although I'd imagine that
> > netbsd stresses the emulation far more. I've seen internet breadcrumbs
> > saying that Linux is also stable.
> I'm not running with these:
> > options MAXDSIZE=268435456
> > options DIAGNOSTIC
> > options DEBUG
> > options LOCKDEBUG
> I'm running NetBSD 10.0_BETA from 1-Jan-2023 with a GENERIC kernel with
> DJMEMCMAX and MAC68K_MEMSIZE=264 on a Quadra 650 with 264 megs of memory.

Huh. Trial and error has got me to 256MiB RAM, but setting DJMEMCMAX +
MAC68K_MEMSIZE might get me to ~355MiB, which appears to be the max the ROMs

> I haven't seen anything that looks like any sort of intermittent issues, and
> the system has built lots of packages:
> https://cdn.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/packages/NetBSD/m68k/10.0_2022Q4/All/
> This includes zstd, but I haven't tried cmake and friends yet.
> What's the date of tree from which your NetBSD was built?

Kernel is 2023-02-26 01:28 UTC.
Userland is a few weeks older, around 2023-02-02.

I may update again, but I don't see anything interesting in CHANGES.

Paul Ripke
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds
 discuss people."
-- Disputed: Often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt. 1948.

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