Subject: Re: I'm going with netBSd over OpenBSD now
To: None <>
From: Steve Rikli <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/24/2005 12:59:57
On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 10:16:59AM -0600, Joe Laffey wrote:
> ...
> >I don't btw, know how well the 8 meg will work.  Can
> >you expand the memory?
> Indeed 8 megs is pretty brutal, especially for the install. In order to 
> install I had to enable swap from the utility menu shell before running 
> the installer.
> I DID manage to get it installed, but it was a royal pain, and I do not 
> recall the details.
> ...

In general, do folks tend to follow the INSTALL.* docs for port-mac68k
with reasonable success?

My impression is the biggest hurdle _may_ be disk partitioning and
basically having to interact w/MacOS a bit to get to NetBSD; I thought
I read that 2.0 sysinstall had taken some of the MacOS dependency out
of the picture, but I'm by no means a veteran with mac68k.

After I'm done resurrecting an Indy I have a Quadra630 that seems to
want to live again ;-) , and if the regular NetBSD INSTALL docs are
the best known starting place (as I've come to expect in other ports), 
I'm going to forge ahead.

Other pointers welcome, of course.

|| Steve Rikli              |||                                         ||
|| Systems Administrator    ||| Friends help you move.                  ||
||                          ||| Real friends help you move bodies.      ||
||          |||                                         ||