Subject: Setting up AppleTalk
To: None <>
From: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/28/2005 18:02:56
Hi all,

this is probably off-topic (not exactly related to NetBSD/mac68k), but
I hope someone here will be able to resolve my doubts.

As the hard disk in my Performa 630 is quite small, I have decided to
try to use the Network Access Disk instead of a full MacOS 8 to boot

So far, I've created a 20mb partition, copied the system onto it and
installed the NIC drivers.  But I'm stuck now.  I'd like to use
AppleTalk to copy some files from my machine (the Booter, the kernel
and maybe something else), but I can't get it to work.  All I want is
to share a folder and be able to access it from the Mac.

The Mac is directly connected to my i386 machine using a crossover
cable.  (The i386 machine acts as a bridge between this network and
the home one.)

I enabled NETATALK in the i386 kernel, installed the netatalk package
and read netatalk's manual.  Everything looks very simple, but I can't
get it working (i.e., I open the Chooser in the Mac and nothing
appears in AppleShare).

I added the following to my atalkd.conf file:
	ne0 -seed -phase 2 -net 1 -addr 1.142 -zone "Local"
Though it's automatically replaced by (and I don't know why):
	ne0 -seed -phase 2 -net 1-65534 -addr 1.142

And later started atalkd and afsd.  (atalkd takes a long while to start,
which bothers me.)

Aside this, I think I see something strange.  The Network control panel
always says "No zones available".  I _think_ this is incorrect and that
I should define a zone in some way, but I really have no idea what I
should expect.  (This is the first time I mess with AppleTalk.)

Note that the connection between the machine works.  Whenever I boot
MacOS I can see activity in the link from the i386 machine.

I've been googling for a while, but found nothing helpful...

So... can anybody please enlighten me?  Any pointers will be helpful.


Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
The NetBSD Project -