Subject: Re: Newbie Mac IIsi questions
To: Cathryn L. Kliegel <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/25/2002 09:27:45
On Sat, 24 Aug 2002, Cathryn L. Kliegel wrote:

> 1) A web brouser. I have installed lynx from the pkgsrc, but am unhappy
> with it. Both the netscape and mozilla pkgsrc compiles barf and say they
> dont support mac68k. What do you use?

"lynx" is the only browser I've ever used that never drops core, but
if you want pictures, you might try "chimera" or "mMosaic". (That's
"mMosaic", old "Mosaic" is a dog.) None of those support javascript
either, if that's an issue.

> 2) DNS. I had a simple system up with resolv.conf and it worked. I tried
> to setup DNS and it killed my system. Turned it off and it worked. Am
> looking into this.

Are you trying to setup a DNS *server*? "Killed your system" how?

> 3) Email. Sendmail did not seem to work, it may need DNS to be happy. Am
> trying to get qmail up. Any suggestions?

For sendmail, your own hostname has to look up. Just set that to
whatever your static IP address reverse-looks-up to. If you don't
know what that is, you can use

    dig @any_name_server -x my_ip_address

to find out. Alternatively, you could read it out of the headers of
the email you posted to this list (to which this is a reply).

> 4) Color X11R6. Is there support for internal Mac IIsi video? Would you
> like me to put it there? How would I get started?

Try one of these:

The "-elf" one is for NetBSD-1.6.

The long term goal should be to create an X server for mac68k that
conforms to the XFree86 architecture. A daunting task, surely. This


in the NetBSD "xsrc" sources, seems to be a general outline of what's
