Subject: Re: Booting straight to NetBSD
To: Lloyd I Freese Jr <dwarf@Op.Net>
From: Nyef <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/27/2001 12:22:51
On Sun, 27 May 2001, Lloyd I Freese Jr wrote:

>  From what I understand (which, admittedly isn't much) it's not 
> possible. There was a thread called "Mac m68k booting process" from 
> September of last year that talked about the different problems with 
> it.

There's a difference between "not possible" and "merely difficult", and
I'm convinced that this is firmly on the "merely difficult" side of the
line. ^_-

> IIRC there was a person in this list a while ago that was working on 
> it but I can't find his posts in my archive (I assume he gave up).

Try the thread "Installation without MacOS", November 2000 - January 2001,
specifically the stuff from December onwards.

Which reminds me, is there any documentation on how to use libsa, or is
this one of those UTSL things?

> At 9:27 AM +0100 5/27/2001, Matthew Theobalds wrote:
> >Whilst we're on the subject of NetBooting and Ethernet cards, is it 
> >ever going to be possible to boot into NetBSD direct?
> >
> >Or would such a move require more information from Apple than they 
> >are prepared to give?
> >
> >All the best.
> >
> >Matthew
> -- 
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> "Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education."
> -- Bertrand Russell

All programming can be viewed as an exercise.
Alastair Bridgewater