Subject: 1.5.1 ALPHA replacement kernel for Quadra 700
To: None <>
From: Hauke Fath <hf@Tangro.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/25/2001 13:11:18
> At 23:09 Uhr +0100 22.1.2001, Frederic Kayser wrote:
>> this is my first attempt to install NetBSD 1.5 on a Quadra 700.
>> Everything went nice until I tried the first boot.
>> It displays a lot of things on the console, but just after:
>> "root file system type: ffs"
>> It runs into:
>> "panic: cnopen: cn_tab->cndev == NODEV"
> The NetBSD/mac68k 1.5 release kernel has a bug where Quadra 700 internal
> video is not detected correctly. Basically, the SCSI driver and the video
> driver are stepping on each other's feet.
> For details see pr#11000; Scott Reynolds has fixed the problem and the
> was pulled up to the 1.5 branch.
> o  get the 1.5.1 ALPHA GENERIC kernel that I am going to build and set up
> for download since you will not be the last to run into this bug until
> 1.5.1 is shipped.  ;)

Here we go:  (item 6)

is a mac68k 1.5.1ALPHA GENERICSBC kernel without sunos compat. It has the
pr#11000 fix and Allen's esp performance update.



Hauke Fath                        tangro software components GmbH
                                        D-69115 Heidelberg                       Ruf +49-6221-13336-0, Fax -21