Subject: Re: audio device
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: David A. Gatwood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/13/1999 22:06:30
On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, Ken Nakata wrote:

> I do.  Singer is Apple's code name, but it's actually a codec chip
> developed and sold by another company (I think the company was called
> ITT or something).  I downloaded the PDF datasheet off the Net a while
> ago, and I hope it's still buried somewhere in one of my HFS
> partitions.  I'll try to get and post the URL when I get home or I
> could directly send the PDF to you if you want (provided that I didn't
> lose it when my 2G drive died on me).

If you find it, send me a copy.  MkLinux would love to have sound working
on the Performa 52/53/62/63xx machines (once we actually figure out why
they're not booting).

> I think we need to figure out how DMA works for audio I/O, also.  I
> tried to disassemble the ROM code but I quickly got lost every time I
> tried.

What DMA engine?  AMIC or something else?
