Subject: Perl build 'cc' stalls in uvn_ge wait channel
To: None <>
From: William Carrel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/07/1999 22:05:18
I was building the current Perl with Net 1.4 on my Quadra 610 with 8 megs of
RAM and the process stalled.  I investigated and found that the process was
waiting in the uvn_ge wait channel.  I'm guessing that it was waiting for
memory perhaps?  Shouldn't the malloc call just fail if it is unable to access
more ram though?  It hadn't started to hit swap, but it had allocated a litle
of 7megs to that process.  It didn't seem to use the swap at all.

Anyway, I killed the process and did 'make' again and it made it through on the
second try.  Very strange, I thought someone here might have some insight.

William Carrel