Subject: Re: Serial speed.
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/07/1999 20:14:13
On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, David A. Gatwood wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Matthew Reilly wrote:
> > I tried that. It didn't seem to like 57600, in fact, the only speed it
> > seems to like is 230400. The thing is, I know it prints from the MacOS
> > side on the quadra and I'm pretty sure this machine doesn't support
> > 230400. Any ideas? Anyone?

It kinda does....

> IIRC, most macs, even the early ones, _will_ do 230400 on the printer port
> _only_ if they are driven by an external clock signal.  Only machines with
> newer serial hardware can do 230400 without an external clock source
> (including the AV Quadras and I think all PowerMacs).

Actually all the machines will support 230400 and 115200 at the chip
level. What they WON'T support is receiving more than about 5000
characters per second. 

If you're talking to a printer, where you send lots of data but receive
very little, then you can probably up the rate to 230400 w/ no problem.
Just get the patch I've mailed before and apply it.

The reason I haven't merged in the change is, as Frederick mentioned, only
a few machines support receiving lots of characters per second. If I turn
on the baud rate, people will expect to receive at that rate, they won't,
and they'll be pissed. :-)

Take care,
