Subject: re: Option-2 & Option-3 under 1.4
To: None <>
From: Steve Revilak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/04/1999 04:49:29
Colin Wood <> writes:

/ > Has anyone else noticed that Option-(1,2,3) no longer work as
/ > substitutes for mouse buttons 1, 2 & 3?  (My 3 button mouse is still
/ > backordered..... :-(.  I've searched the digest archives but can't
/ > find anything relating to it.
/ you need to compile a kernel with
/ options 	ALTXBUTTONS
/ defined.  it may already be in the GENERIC kernel.  the problem with this
/ particular combination is that it breaks on certain international
/ keyboards so it was turned off by default.

That's actually the case with the generic kernel.  Fortunately I've
got enough disk space to try compiling one.  Knowing what to change is
a big help.  Maybe I'll get lucky and see the new mouse come this week...

/ > Also... pointer tracking is slower in 1.4 in an overall sense.  It
/ > also varies depending on whether the mouse is over a window or over
/ > the root image.
/ as opposed to 1.3?  hmmm...strange.  it's possible that 1.4.1 may be a
/ little faster as there were some changes pulled up to the 1.4 branch that
/ should affect the ADB delay.  of course, 1.3 shipped with MRG ADB support
/ while 1.4 uses the direct-to-hardware driver. 

The overall speed isn't a big problem.  As Shigeki points out, it's
not a big deal to change it with xset....

Even with the faster speeds, there's still a "slowdown" when over a
window.  Perphaps more oddly, faster mouse tracking seems to
exaggerate this.

Then, perhaps it's 4:45 in the morning and I'm imagining things...

Steve Revilak