Subject: Problem with netatalk
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/18/1999 13:32:37
I built and installed the netatalk-19981109 package, copied the
default script to /usr/pkg/etc/rc.atalk, and put a hook into rc.local.
But now afpd quits immediately. This from xconsole:

Console log for corwin.home
 atalkd nbprgstr papd afpd.
Thu Feb 18 11:34:20 CST 1999
Feb 18 11:34:26 corwin afpd[190]: main: asp_getsession: Invalid argument

Corwin appears in the chooser on the Quadra 630 running MacOS, but
without afpd you can't actually connect. The file sharing works fine
when Corwin, a Quadra 840 AV, is also booted into MacOS.

When I try to start afpd manually, "/usr/pkg/sbin/afpd -d", it writes
this message to the console (-d is broken?): 

Feb 18 13:27:49 corwin afpd[1895]: Can't register corwin:AFPServer@*

Any ideas?