Subject: Re: re: full 68040 processor
To: Steve Revilak <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/10/1999 09:56:17
On 11:39 Uhr +0100 09.02.1999, Steve Revilak wrote:

> Say your get a 33 mHz 68RC040 (that's the model number for the one
>with the
> FPU).  If should be fine whether run at 25 mHz or 33 mHz.  I ran my
>33 mHz
> chip at 25 mhz for about a month before getting the clock chipper -- no
> problems.
> However, in the case of a 25 mHz 68RC040, you're stuck at 25 mHz.  Trying
> to nudge it up to 33 will most likely make both you and the machine very
> unhappy.


thanks for that detailed reply. I think I got it :)). Unfortunately I
missed (in the Apple II related forum on Delphi) a "bulk" (if you can
say so) purchase of 68040s for really cheap (about 30$) and now I'm
looking for another source. *IF* the dealer is trusted overseas deals
aren't a problem at all :))

Best regards,

Ulrich Hausmann