Subject: Re: -current does not like non-boot disk
To: Chas Williams <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/14/1998 19:57:57
At 14:23 Uhr +0100 14.12.1998, Chas Williams wrote:
>In message <>,Colin Wood writes:
>>something that got corrupted via interaction with the scsi code and the
>>pool allocator perhaps?  there's definitely been something slightly screwy
>>going on in that area for several months now given the reports that i've
>i think its actually worse than that really.  even on a 1.3.2 system i
>have trouble with the following sequence (it doesnt matter which macine
>i am using):
>[repeat 10 times]
>	mount /dev/sd1<blah> /mnt
>	umount /mnt
>eventually, the kernel will hang solid and even an nmi doesnt get a reponse.

I have seen this months ago, with the MO drive. You get away with the first
and the second mount, but the third try is likely to catch you.


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)