Subject: Re: Corrupt X libs in 1.3.x.
To: Kazuyoshi Kato kaz-k <>
From: charlie an <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/11/1998 10:10:44
I would like to have a copy of the rebuilt as well. Thanks in advance!


Kazuyoshi Kato kaz-k wrote:
> > The m68k libraries in the 1.3.x distribution appear to be corrupt or
> > rather missing certain functions which causes some programs to seg.
> > fault.  They were compiled with -O2 instead of -O which apparently
> > doesn't work.  Is there a recent X snapshot out there somewhere?
>   Yes, you're right, libX11.a and which compiled with -O2
> option are something wrong, so I rebuilt X libs from XFree3.3.2 source
> with 1.3.2 distribution config files and -O option(and several options
> for X_LOCALE as well.).
>   I haven't faced with critical problems so far, would you like to try
> mine?
>   -- kaz-k