Subject: Re: network+16bppX+netscape+kernel+hw mods questions
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/09/1998 17:25:04
On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Colin Wood wrote:

> Marc Coevoet wrote:
> > 
> > I boot in colour on a Colour Classic, startx says 16bits per pixel (I
> > don't
> > know if that could be true, I use Xosfa as the X server).  When I run
> > netscape my display is too small, but when I try the -geometry tag, X
> > quits.  I fetched one of the first netscape binaries, maybe that is the
> > reason...
> possibly.  i've noticed a lot of funny errors with netscape.  you might
> try a newer version of the binary if you can find it.

Yep, the OSFA X-server can handle 16 bpp (in MacOS speak, that's
"Thousands of Colors").

As for netscape, the current version has some sort of problem with
changing the geometry.  I'm currently using Mosaic for that reason
(although Mosaic has its own set of bugs).

| Paul Goyette      | PGP DSS Key fingerprint:   | E-mail addresses:        |
| Network Engineer  |   BCD7 5301 9513 58A6 0DBC |       |
| and kernel hacker |   91EB ADB1 A280 3B79 9221 | |