Subject: Re: tty settings
To: Steve Revilak <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/04/1998 12:01:10
On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, Steve Revilak wrote:

> Just curious...from the console, can you invoke vi, and type the
> sequence <Ctrl-V Ctrl-@> and have something show up? 

Now I see what you mean. :>

I can type a null in an xterm, but not in the console, nor in dt. 
The file I made in the xterm, and saved, views fine (^@^@^@^@^@) in
all three.

Neither the termcap settings, nor the terminal flags have any effect
on this: "eval `tset -s xterm`" in the console doesn't fix it; and
neither does "stty -g >broke" from the console, followed by 
"stty `cat broke`" in a real xterm break it.