Subject: mc0: receive FIFO overflow
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/08/1998 15:54:28
I've had the machine die twice in the last week with a VM fault, followed
by mc0: receive FIFO overflow, so I guess I should pay attention.  The
kernel this happened with is at together with the
applied patches and the config file if anyone is that ambitious.

The partial stack trace (copied by hand) is:
faultstkadj(4aac00,549100,33def884,4aac00,7f2c9c) + 0
_mcstart(4aac28,33def801,4aac00,7f2b94,c9374) + 5e
_mc_tint(4aac00) + aa
_mcintr(4aac00,7f2c18,34b4,7f2bac,2404) + 58
_psc_lev3_intr(7f2bac) + 36
_aarpresolve(4aac28,544a80,7f2c9c,7f2c62) + 14
_ether_output(4aac28,544a80,7f2c9c,0,532080) + 22a

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