Subject: PowerBook 160 oddities...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adam Fritzler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/20/1998 20:32:47
Ok, so I finally found a machine to use NetBSD on again... (Actually, it's
just to spook some MacOS-loyal friends... :)

It's an average PowerBook 160 (no FPU, of course, but does have 10mb of
RAM).  I'm using Takashi's (sp?) 1.3E PM kernel, which is the only one I
could find that didn't default to serial console on the PBs.  

It boots great (the LCD comes up clearly, the sound chip blips, the ADB
scan goes right,etc). But, when it gets to the great installation
question about what shell do you want, it's okay there too...if you type

You see, it works fine for about 10 or 15 seconds after the kernel's
finished booting, but then just magically reboots and all is forgotten. 
The keyboard does work during this period, and if you give it a root
filesystem, it will say the time's wrong and the filesystem needs
checking.  It does begin this check if you let it.  But, it doesn't have
to start doing this in order to get the reboot -- ie, I don't think it's
SCSI related.  If you boot the kernel off of a MacOS partition, and then
let it sit where it's asking for a root partition, it will reboot from
there as well, without even mounting a filesystem (though, even with that,
it sill could be SCSI related...)

Any ideas?


Adam Fritzler                           |                 |      Laziness is the                    |    |          key to creativity.             |