Subject: Re: Falls into db when clients restart...
To: azusa miyagi <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/20/1998 11:14:08
On Sat, 20 Jun 1998, azusa miyagi wrote:

> The PowerMac8500/180 (client) often freezes up with tasks such as
> QuarkXpress or Adobe Illustrator, I must restart it. After that, I take a
> look into bsd-box on serial terminal, it always falls into debagger like;
> no such command
> db>

It sounds like somehow the NetBSD box is seeing a break condition on the
serial port when you reboot your PowerMac.  Since the IIci has a
programmer's switch on the front which can be used to drop the kernel into
me debugger, I suggest you compile a new kernel with the ZS_CONSOLE_ABORT
option removed or commented out, and give that a try.

Hope this helps,
