Subject: Re: Constant problems.
To: None <,>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/11/1998 14:51:32
At 4:49 Uhr +0200 11.06.1998, Ron Thompson wrote:
>Okay, I at first had a 40 meg HD on a Mac SE/30 with a, of course, very
>minimal install of NetBSD 1.3.1.  Everything worked great!  The only
>problems were user related... hehe... of course!
>Well, I just added a 160 meg [...] and I'm getting nothing but
>problems!!!  I have almost constant core dumps of every program I use,
>half the times I boot I get some error like "Error on SCSIget(7)"  or
>something similar, and some more times I get something like "Invalid
>kernel", but then of course sometimes it boots with no problems!
>I was thinking maybe it was improper termination of the SCSIs, but even
>without my other SCSI on there it sometimes does that stuff... (tho it
>does seem to be less)  8-(

Seems you've run into the old ncrscsi vs. sbc SCSI driver issue... There
are two drivers in the NetBSD/mac68k tree for the NCR 53c80 SCSI chip. Each
of them works with some drives and fails miserably with others (that's why
we ship both of them...).

E.g., Espresso is set up with the ncrscsi driver and runs just fine with a
Quantum Empire 1080 and an IBM DCAS 4G drive; on the other hand, I have a
SE/30 sitting here with a venerable Quantum LPS105S that simply barfs on
contemporary ncrscsi kernels.

In short: If you experience disk-related problems with a GENERIC kernel on
a 53c80 equipped machine (all '030 Macintoshes and the PowerBooks), try a

>I also keep getting "Command not found" messages when trying xinit, even
>though I've put the path to the X binaries in my .profile.

Have you tried "/usr/C11R6/bin/xinit"?


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)