Subject: First boot on LC III
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Modesto <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/10/1998 09:49:50
>From TechTool:

Machine Type: LC III      and 80M harddisk!!
CPU Type: MC68030
FPU Type: None
MMU Type: 68030 Built-in
QuickDraw Version: 32-bit Color v1.3
Keyboard Type: ADB ISO Keyboard II
System Version: 7.5.5
ROM Version: $067C
ROM Size: 1,048,576
Size of Low Memory Area: 8,192
Physical RAM Size: 12,582,912
Logical RAM Size: 25,165,824
Zip disk

Hello world: from Spain

Iīm a newbie. Iīve tried MacBSD 1.3.2. It booted.
And I came back.


1.-	Load Kernel  kern_sbc.tgz
	          Booter  1.11.2
	(on Zip disk named Garfio (Hook)
	Booting from MacOS file

Boot now--
guess what?
yes, Set _mac68k_vrsrc_vec to {0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 }

Boot? Yes. Then freezed. Hooked.

Well, by means of General Q&A this maybe "you have corrupted the kernel
file while decompressing it".

I was driving crazy testing prefs on Stuffit Expander, looking inside the
kernel with TextBrowser to see if... I donīt know.


Then, wait, letīs try booting on my hard disk (Wendy).
OK. Tinker Bell did her job.

So I sez to him...  The real way
        that it should be done is to...

StartUp options. If I log something more than 0 level, it doesnīt work.

Then boot.

OOOOH, I do invoke a spell to the Lord of Inner Land of Silicon,The Great
God Kernel.
I can see a white landscape (14") growing full of strange words, obio0 at
mainbus0... Ia! Ia! Yog Sothoth! ...grf0 at intvid0...Tekeli-li!...


boot device: UNKNOWN!

Itīs coming!

"And the hue of the skin of the figure was of the perfect whiteness of the

I got no root, got no usr, got no swap.
Maybe next time.


Trying debugging level 1:
Booting...transparent = 1
sizeof struct exec = 32
Magic = NMAGIC (read-only text)
MID_M68K executable: entry 0x2e00.
Allocated 1804838 bytes.
1053800 (0x0)+65752+100528+166320+156294
start address = 0x2e00.
total kernel buffer space used = 1545666 (0x1795c2).
The warm and fuzzy copycode() is at 0x005b5eea
Hex dump of copycode():
(0x005b5eea) 4E 56 00 00 40 C0 00 40 07 00 46 C0 20 6E 00 08

from = 0x0078e000, to = 0x00000000, len = 448512, entry = 0x00002e00
Attempting to kill all running programs...
GetGestalt (gestaltControlStripAttr) failed
GetGestalt (gestaltDesktopPicturesAttr) failed
Changing Monitor settings...
        So I sez to him...  The real way
        that it should be done is to...
Serial console flags = 0

Set _mac68k_vrsrc_vec to {0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 }.

I canīt spell!

What happened with debugging level?

Something about no FPU?

Excuse my telegraph english, folks.

See you later.

Modesto Pena